Answered By: Shannon Sanders
Last Updated: Mar 28, 2024     Views: 112

Unfortunately, contracts with most of our content providers require access to databases and other licensed resources be limited to currently affiliated students, staff, faculty and administrators at the university. Consequently, for retired faculty, off-campus access to library databases is discontinued approximately 1 year after the date of retirement.

Retired faculty are welcome to come to the library and obtain a Guest Login which will allow access to most library resources while in the building using a library computer. (Go to the General Help Desk on Level 3 Central to set up a Guest Login).

In the event that a BYU department requests that a retired faculty member continue research on a specific project for the department, temporary access may be requested by submitting a completed and signed Continuing Access Request form. The request requires the signatures of both the Department Chair and the Dean. Return the completed form to the Library Administrative Offices (2060 HBLL, Provo, Utah 84602) or scan and email to 

Questions? Please contact the LAO (Library Administrative Office) at 801 422 2905 or email

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