Answered By: Greg Nelson
Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024     Views: 375

SciFinder is a premier chemistry database. It requires you to register the first time you use it.

Go to the library's home page: . Type "SciFinder" in the search box on the top of the page and click the search button.



Click on the hyperlinked promoted result for "SciFinder" in the colored box beneath "Research Tools".




Login with your BYU NetID and password. The next screen will display the message below. Click on the first hyperlink indicated by the red arrow.


 Click on the "Next" button.



Please read the License agreement carefully. If you agree to abide by the License agreement, click the "Accept" button.


Fill out all of the required fields of the registration form. Pay special attention to the note about filling in the email address.

***Important*** The email address must end in or to be valid for this registration. Please see directions in the screenshot below.



Once you have a BYU affiliated email address, create a username and password. This username and password is not affiliated or linked to BYU's password system. You must choose a unique username and password according to the stipulations set forth in the screenshot below.


Once you have completed the registration form and clicked the "Register" button, you will get an email with a link that needs to be clicked on to activate your account.

Remember, always access SciFinder through the library's home page as directed at the beginning of this answer.

Please contact Greg Nelson if you have any questions (


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