Answered By: Rebecca Walton Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024 Views: 640
The Library has access to e-book content from many different vendors. The following list gives a snapshot of what type of downloading is allowed at each site
Where can I download an entire e-book in one file?
ebrary: You can download e-books that say "Unlimited-user Title" next to the download button for a 14 day checkout. You must have an ebrary account and an Adobe Digital Editions account in order to access the book. You can read the book on your computer with Adobe Digital Editions or on a mobile device via Bluefire Reader. Not all books are available to download due to publisher restrictions. File type: ACSM (Adobe Digital Editions). [Up to 30% of the book's pages can be saved as a PDF.]
Ebook Library (EBL): Books may be downloaded for up to 7 days. Adobe Digital Editions is required. File types: PDF or ePUB
EBSCO e-books: Books can be downloaded for up to 7 days. An EBSCO account and Adobe Digital Editions is required. File types: ACSM [Up to 60 pages of an e-book can be saved as a PDF.]
OverDrive: Books and audiobooks may be downloaded in a variety of formats. Check the "Available formats" box on the item page to see what is offered. The default checkout period is 14 days. File types: Kindle, OverDrive, PDF, or ePUB. Audiobooks in OverDrive Listen or MP3.
Springer: We have access to selected titles (mostly 2005-2010 with a few from later years). Books that we do not have access to are marked with a locked icon. File type: PDF
Where can I download an e-book one chapter at a time?
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL): The download option will appear at the top of the screen after going into the desired section. File types: PDF or mp3
Elsevier: We have access to selected titles. Books that we have access to are marked by a green key/green square. File type: PDF
Springer: We have access to selected titles (mostly 2005-2010 with a few from later years). Books that we do not have access to are marked with a locked icon. File type: PDF
Wiley: We have access to selected titles. Books that we have access to are marked by an unlocked icon. File type: PDF
Downloading is not available from the following vendors: Safari Tech Books: Individual pages can be downloaded as PDFs.
For information about how to access e-books on mobile devices see
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