1. Login to your account (top right of Library homepage banner)
2. If you are already logged in, click your name, which comes up at the same location, and choose "My Items" from the drop down box that appears
3. In your account, you will see a list of all the books you currently have checked out. Click the blue Renew button next to any items you would like to renew.
4. If you have any problems, please contact Circulation at (801) 422-6061.
5. You can renew most items twice online.
If you need the book even longer, just bring it to the Circulation desk for an additional renewal. Once the Library has seen the book, the renewal process starts all over again. Renew online twice, renew in Library, renew online twice, renew in Library: you can keep renewing until you’re finished or until someone else needs the item.