Answered By: Andy Spackman
Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024     Views: 855

Sometimes choosing a topic is the hardest part of doing research. Below are a few ideas to help you find an interesting subject:

Consider Your Interests:  Look into what you have been reading about or discussing in class or with friends.  Consider recent events and developments in areas of interest.

Find information related to your major:  Check out the magazines, journals, and databases relevant to your major in the Topics and Trends by Major  page.

Browse recent newspapers:  Some databases contain full text articles from top business news publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Business News, Newsweek and the Economist. Try searching in Factiva or ProQuest One Business.  Do a keyword search. When the results display, click NEWSPAPERS, or do a PUBLICATION search and type the publication you are looking for, such as Wall Street Journal.

Choose a "hot topic" from the media or Congress:  Go to CQ Researcher to find background information on topics being discussed in the media, such as debt, immigration, climate change, and healthcare, etc.  Or try Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Gale) for facts and arguments for each topic's proponents and detractors.

Browse Popular Magazines:  Recent issues of these magazines can give you ideas on current events and popular topics. Click here[MM6]  for access to many popular business magazines.

For additional help, check out the MCOM 320 research guide or contact BYU Business Librarian.